30 Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Kelas 11 SMA/MA Semester 1 Tahun 2019

Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Kelas 11 SMA/MA Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2019/2020 - Selamat berjumpa kembali sobat BukaGuru. Kali ini BukaGuru ingin berbagi informasi kepada adik-adik yang duduk di bangku Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA/MA)

Kali ini BukaGuru ingin membagikan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Kelas 11 SMA/MA Kurikulum 2013. Soal ini bisa adik-adik pelajari disini, agar adik-adik sudah siap dalam menghadapi Ulangan PAS Tahun ini.

Untuk Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Kelas 11 SMA/MA Kurikulum 2013 yang kami bagikan ini sudah dalam unsur HOTS, PPK, Literasi dan 4C dari revisi akhir kurikulum 2013.

Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Kelas 10 Semester 1

Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Kelas 11 Kurikulum 2013

Berikut ini isi Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Kelas 11 SMA/MA Kurikulum 2013.

Text 1
The following text is for questions 1 to 5.
Father : where’re we going this weekend?
Rodi : emm.. What about fishing? It’s been four months we never go fishing.
Father : where would you like to go fishing?
rodi : i’d like to go to candi, sidoarjo, especially kusuma tirta in kedung peluk.
Father : that’s right. We’ve never been there for six months. Why don’t we go to tambak oso.
Rodi : i think kusuma tirta is more convenient.
Father : why do you prefer in candi?
rodi : because we get the fish more easily. The grilled fish taste delicious. Moreover, there are an outbond area, a swimming pool for kids, a restaurant, some motor boats, and water bikes.
Father : okay. We’ll go there with mom and your brother and sister.

1. From the text, we conclude that ….
A. They have never gone fishing for six months
B. They might go fishing in another place four months ago.
C. They went fishing in kusuma tirta four months ago
D. Kusuma tirta is the most convenient place.
E. They prefer going to tambak oso.

2. Why does rodi prefer kusuma tirta?
A. The food, facilites, and distance.
B. The facilities and the taste of the food.
C. The distance of the place and facilites.
D. The facilities, the distance, the easiness to catch the fish.
E. The easiness to catch the fish, facilites, and taste of the food.

3. Here are some facilities mentioned in the dialog, except: ….
A. Water bike, outbond area, swimming pool.
B. Motor boats, swimming pool for kids, farming area.
C. Outbond area, swimming pool for kids, motor boats.
D. Motor boats, outbond area, water bikes
E. Swimming pool for kids, restaurant, motor boats.

4. The word “your” in … your brother refers to ….
A. Father
B. Mother
C. Brother
D. Sister
E. Rodi

5. The synomym of the word “delicious” in the text is ….
A. Flat
B. Dull
C. Yummy
D. Tasteless
E. Falvorless

Text 2 : the following text is for questions 6 to 10.
It was the year of the famine. Umar took pains to ensure that adequate relief reached all people, and that there were no persons in the city who went to sleep hungry.
one night as usual umar went on his round, accompanied by his assistant. He heard sounds of the weeping of the children from a cottage. Umar went to the cottage. He saw that the lady of the house was cooking something on the hearth, and the children were crying.
Knocking the door.
Umar (u): assalamu’alaikum.
Old woman(ow): wa’alaikum salam.
U :what happens with your children?
Ow : they are hungry.
U : what are you cooking?
Ow : only water and stones in the kettle.
U : what do you hope?
Ow : i hope my children think i’m cooking rice and they will be tired and sleep.
hearing this tale of woman, umar felt guilty. Umar went to the baitul mal. There, he put the necessary provisions in a bag and carried the bag to the cottage. Umar carried his burden himself. Umar gave the bag of provisions to the woman.umar sat by the hearth and helped her cook the meals. When the meals were ready, the children were awakened and served with the delicious meals.

6. What is the best title of the story?
A. Old woman
B. Umar bin khattab
C. A poor woman
D. Umar and an old woman
E. Umar and a poor old woman

7. Why were the children weeping?
A. They were sad.
B. They were tired.
C. They were angry.
D. They were hungry.
E. They were satisfied.

8. What did the woman hope by cooking stones?
A. The children would weep.
B. The children would be tired.
C. The children would eat the stones.
D. The children would go on weeping.
E. The children would be tired and slept.

9. The word “you” in what do you hope? Refers to ….
A. Umar
B. The woman
C. Umar’s assistant
D. Umar and his assistant
E. One of the woman’s children
10. Which statement is correct based on the text above?
A. Umar went on his round alone.
B. The children were tired of weeping.
C. Umar carried the provision by himself.
D. The children were not hungry when their mother was cooking stones.
E. Umar did not serve delicious meals to the children.

Text 3 : the following text is for questions 11 to 15.
Kian santang is one of king siliwangi’s children, the king of pajajaran kingdom. He was very great at self-defense. No one could beat him. Even he never knew his blood’s color. He wanted someone who could defeat him.

one day, he dreamed of an old man. In his dream, the man told kian santang that his name is ali. Kian santang also dreamed of the area where the area was sandy. He told his dream to prabu siliwangi. Kian santang then wandered to east timor with his sister, rara santang. They went by ship for months.

Arriving there, they met the old man that he had seen in his dream. Kian santang told his intention. The old man smiled at him. Then kian santang challenged the old man to fight. The old man agreed in one condition kian santang could remove his stick. Then, the man implanted his stick. Kian santang seemed to underestimate him since he was sure of being able to do it easily. He approached and tried to remove the stick. He tried hard to remove the stick but he could not do it until he was tired. He was surprised to see his blood on his hands. He realized that there was a man who was more sacred than him. He gave up.

The old man told himself that his name is ali, known as sheikh ali that was in his dream. Rara santang bowed to respect him. Finally, kian santang and rara santang studied islamic teaching in mecca. Some years later, he went home to pajajaran. Meanwhile, rara santang got married with the prince from egypt, sharif abdullah umdatuddin. Then one of her children is sharif hidayatullah or known as sunan gunung jati.

11. Why did kian santang never know his own blood?
Because he ….
A. Was unbeatable before
B. Wanted someone to beat him
C. Is prabu siliwangi’s son.
D. Was famous for his self-defense
E. Was the prince of pajajaran kingdom

12. Why did kian santang seem underestimate the old man’s challenge?
A. He challenged him to fight.
B. The old man smiled at him.
C. The old agreed with his challenge.
D. He was sure of being able to remove the implanted stick.
E. He told his intention as he had seen in his dream.

13. The word “they” in they went by ship” in paragraph 2 refers to ….
A. Kian santang and siliwangi
B. Kain santanga and sheikh ali
C. Rara santang and kian santang
D. Rara santang and siliwangi
E. Sheik ali and rara santang

14. The word “great” in the text has the same meaning as ….
A. Bad
B. Poor
C. Pitiable
D. Unwell
E. Excellent

15. What value can you learn from the story?
A. We should never give up.
B. We should learn far away.
C. We should obey the old man.
D. We should not underestimate one’s ability.
E. We should be sacred people in order to be respected.

Text 4: The following text is for questions 16 to 20.
there is a story in the book of thabaqat al hanabilah by ibn abi ya'la that one day al imam ahmad bin hanbal -rahimahullah-was in the mosque. Then came the caliph al abbas al mutawakkil to tell him that there was a relative named jariyah, tranced by genie.
the caliph al mutawakkil asked al imam ahmad -rahimahullah-to pray to allah that his relatives to be healed. After praying, al imam ahmad -rahimahullah-left his sandals and he said:
"take these sandals to amirul mu'minin's residence and place them next to jariyah's head and tell him (genies) that ahmad ibn hanbal said:
"get out of jariyah's body or i'll beat you up to 70 times!"
then the genie said through jariyah:
"i heard and obeyed. Even if ahmad bin hanbal had sent me away from iraq, i would have obeyed his orders. He is a man who obeys allah. Whoever obeys allah, whoever will obey him. ". Then the genie got out of the jariyah's body.
some years later, imam ahmad bin hanbal died, the genie that tranced the jariyah’s body. Khalifah al mutawakkil then came to the successor of imam ahmad's mission, namely imam al marwadzi -rahimahullah-, and then informed jariyah's condition.
al imam al marwadzi also sent his sandals then told to be placed on the side of jariyah's head and said to the genie.
instead of getting out, the ifrit said, "i won’t get out. I do not want to obey your commands. I only obey imam ahmad’s command because of his piety. "

16. What is the best title of the story?
A. A pair of sandals
B. Imam ahmad bin hanbal.
C. The genie trancing one’s body
D. The sandals of imam ahmad bin hanbal
E. The death of imam ahmad bin hanbal

17. Why was the genie afraid of imam ahmad?
Because of his ….
A. Piety
B. Sandals
C. Pray
D. Caliph
E. Relatives

18. From the text, you can conclude that ….
A. The genie is afraid of a pious person
B. The sandals could function to expel the genie
C. The genie also obeyed the imam ahmad’s successor
D. Jariyah could be healed by imam marwadzi.
E. He genie got out the body when imam marwadz asked to get out

19. The underlined word in the text refers to ….
A. Imam ahmad
B. Genie
C. The caliph
D. Jariyah
E. Relatives

20. Which statement is false based on the text?
A. Imam ahmad is a pious man.
B. The genie would be beaten 70 times.
C. The genie obeyed imam ahmad’s command.
D. The genie returned to trance jariyah before imam ahmad died.
E. Imam marwadzi was the successor of imam ahmand bin hanbal.

Text 5 : the following text is for questions 21 to 25.
The shepherd
once upon a time, there lived in basra an old man whose occupation was only caring for and loving his only handsome young man. The old man invested all his money on his son’s education. The young man went away for a few years and acquired an education at well-known university under the great scholars of that age.
the day had arrived for the son to return from his study and the old man waited for his son at the door. When the son came and met his father, the old man looked into his eyes and felt great disappointment. “what have you learned my son?” He asked. “i have learned everything there was to be learned, father,” he said. “but have you learned what cannot be taught?” Asked the father. “go my son and learn what cannot be taught,” said the old man.
the young aman went back to his master and asked him what could not be taught.
“go away to the mountains with these hundred sheep and come back when they’re one thousands”, said the master.
the young man went to the mountains and became a shepherd. There, he encounterd a silence. He had no one to talk to. The sheep did not understand his language. In his desperation, he would talk to them but they would look back at him as if to say that he were stupid. Slowly but surely , he began to forget all his worldly knowledge, his ego, his pride and he became quiet like the sheep and great wisdom and humility came to him.
at the end of two years when the number of sheep had grown to one thousand, he returned to his master and fell on his feet. “now you have learned what cannot be taught,” said the master.

21. What was the investment of the old man for his son?
His son’s….
A. Love
B. Care
C. Money
D. Education
E. Occupation

22. Why was the old man disappointed?
A. The son had learned everything
B. The son had returned from his study
C. His son had not learned what could not be taught.
D. The son had learned what could not be taught.
E. The son had not learned what could be taught.

23. The word “they” in … when they’re one thousands refers to ….
A. Sheep
B. The master and the young man
C. The young man and the old man
D. The master and the old man
E. The sheep and the young man

24. What value could the son learn in the mountain?
A. He only had sheep to talk to.
B. He learned his pride and knowledge
C. He learned his worldly knowledge.
D. He forgot all his worldly knowledge, his ego, his pride.
E. He learned his ego, pride, and knowledge in the mountain.

25. What is the antonym of the word ‘slowly’ in the text?
A. Quickly.
B. Gradually.
C. Steadily.
D. Regularly.
E. Leisurely.

26. He … many poems since he was a junior high school student.
A. Writes
B. Has written
C. Had written
D. Had been written
E. Will have written

27. After we … our work, we went home right away.
A. Finish
B. Will finish
C. Had finished
D. Have finished
E. Will have finished

28. The teacher … teaching by the time shinta arrives at her school.
A. Finishes
B. Finished
C. Has finished
D. Had finished
E. Will have finished

29. If i study hard, i … the examination.
A. Pass
B. Will pass
C. Have passed
D. Had passed
E. Will have passed

30. If she reads the message, she … the information soon tomorrow.
A. Knows
B. Will know
C. Has known
D. Had known
E. Will have known

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